
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

How to apply a DVD menu template?

Click the Menu button, and you will shift to the menu editing tab:

There are five types of templates in the Template type list, Dynamic Template (16:9), Dynamic Template (4:3), Static Template (16:9), Static Template (4:3) and 1.0 Template.

Double-click a menu to apply it to your DVD. And if you want to remove the menu, select Static Template from the list and double-click No Menu.

Dynamic Templates are animated ones. Click the Advanced Settings button and you can change the Chapter Thumbnails and add music to the menu.

Static and 1.0 templates are still ones. You can click the Detail Setting buttons to change the Frame, Button and Text of the menu.

Double-click a frame or a button, and the menu will make corresponding change. You can drag the thumbnails, button and texts to move their locations.

To change the Thumbnails, Background and add Music to the menu, click Advanced Settings and drag your own materials to the dashed rectangle.

Besides, you can download free dynamic DVD menu templates, including Nature, Holiday, Cartoon, etc for your Mac DVD Creator.

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